Friday, September 10, 2010


Tomorrow, we will all be faithful to the memory of great losses.
It seems hard to believe it’s been nine years since America was senselessly terrorized by “Glitter,” starring Mariah Carey.
On that September day, more than three thousand Americans lost 104 minutes of their lives.
As we try to move forward, we must remember the heinous acting that took place that day.
The opening of “Glitter” was a day of great horror, a day in which this mighty nation saw cowardly performances by a small group of rogue musicians.
The fight against musicians making horrible movies will be a long one, but I’m sure those who’ve seen Tyrese in just about anything will agree, it is one that is necessary.
Our children must grow up to realize the difference between musicians’ films and films that are cheesy on purpose.
It is with this in mind, that today we start a foundation to carryout that mission:
I give you RE-PETA – Resentful People for the Ethical Treatment of Audiences.

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